Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Never say never: Daphne Guiness

La fashionista Daphne Guinness por lo visto nunca lleva lo que ya se ha visto anteriormente en otra celebrity y tampoco luce modelitos en más de una ocasión. Pues en la presentación de Chanel Couture Fall 2008 llevó el mismo vestido de Chanel (colección otoño 2006) que lució el año pasado en la Glamour Girls Party, el mismo que eligió Cate Blanchett para el estreno de Volver en Londres en Marzo 2006. Por supuesto que no pasa nada. Simplemente es un ejemplo más del famosísimo dicho "nunca digas nunca"...
The fashionist Daphne Guinness is apparently known for never wearing a dress other celebrity has been spotted wearing before her and never wearing the same outfit more than once. For the Chanel Couture Fall 2008 presentation she's chosen the same Chanel Fall 2006 dress she wore for last year Glamour Girls Party, the same dress that was spotted back in March 2006 during the London premiere of Volver movie on Cate Blanchett. This is not a big deal of course. Just an example of the famous "never say never"...

Source: Getty, Celebutopia, Style, Thefashionspot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how FUNNY!
A friend of mine pointed this out. i am the afore said daphne, and unfortunately for me Chanel did not tell me when I ordered that dress that they were loaning it out to "celebrities"
oh well!