Today we enter to Carrie's closet again. Some of you sent me her photos and wanted me to ID her outfits. Unfortunately I'm not able to ID all of them... because having in account that the one that is behind the election of each and every outfit is the
"Grand Chef" Patricia Field, we can be sure there'll be a lot or "secret ingredients".

Faltan 49 días. Nuestras cuatro fabulosas esta semana acudieron (de nuevo juntas como hace unos años) al evento de The Point Foundation (la fundación ayuda a la gente jóven de la comunidad LGBT) y Cynthia Nixon , muy emocionada, recibió el Premio de corage por defender el futuro de la comunidad.
49 days left... Our four fab attended (after several years, together again) The Point Foudation event (the foundation provides financial support, mentoring and hope to meritorious students of the LGBT community) and Cynthia Nixon, very thrilled, was honored with the 2008 Point Courage Award for advocating the future of the community.

Me gusta verlas de nuevo juntas. Y espero verlas así más amenudo y durante mucho tiempo, pero también espero que para promocionar la peli irán eligiendo modelos más espectaculares. Estos han sido correctos pero nada más.
Love to see my girls together. Just hope to see them like this more often and during a long period of time, but also do hope that for the promotion of the movie they'll be picking more spectacular outfits. These ones were correct but nothing more.

The soundtrack of the movie is scheduled to drop May 27! The director of the movie, Michael Patrick King told EW, Fergie just recorded the film’s opening number. “It’s called ‘Labels & Love,’ ” he says. “It’s an entirely new song with lyrics, but it has the Sex and the City theme as the DNA — on steroids.” The one that has also got an opportunity to sing was Jennifer Hudson, that sings “All Dressed Up in Love”, song which plays during the end credits. Michael Patrick King, has also revealed the movie will be more than two hours long and that fans can expect a super-charged film version of series. When he was asked about the premiere, he said: "I'm still working on the movie. Other people are working on the premieres, I'm still polishing the baby. It's a two-hour-and-fifteen-minute, big, delicious baby. It's for the fans."

¿Cuál de los chicos de Sexo en Nueva York es el que más te gusta? Si quieres saber quien de ellos es el que más se acerca al hombre que tienes en casa (o tu hombre ideal, da igual), si quieres descubrir con cual de ellos haríais una pareja perfecta, entra en la página oficial de la peli, responde a las preguntas que te plantean y déjate sorprender.
Which one of the Sex and the City men you like the most? If you want to know which one of them would be a perfect match for you, enter the official site "Match Your Man" quiz and find out.
Source: Celebutopia, Wireimage, Style, Sexandthecitymovie, Justjared